Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 6 - 9 Mar
Today is another lesson day, we continued where we ended yesterday. The topic for the day is similar to the previous module that I had learned in the last semester. But I learnt how to use the new Microsoft project which is a little similar to Excel. The project office is good as it helps to show the time frame for each particular process of a project. It is a good way to see the whole picture from the beginning to the end.

We had to perform today for the local students during the interaction session! Wow! I was so nervous before the performance. But it seems alright during the performance. The students are all very supportive.
Interaction Session:

Introduction of our performance the class is performing:

Performance by ECE

The local student sang for us!

They are dancing the wonder girls song as punishment… Haha!!

Such a big group of local students! Just hope that they will like our performance.

Performance by one of the local logistics class!

Had lots of fun during this interaction period:)

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