Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 39 – 10 Apr

Day 39 – 10 Apr
Today is the last outing with our local friends, so we took this opportunity to treat them buffet… The setting of the restaurant is like we are in the oldies…

They even have this area for performance…

This is where the waiter will collect the cooked food on the skew and served to the customers…

Our next destination is “Zhong Shan Gong Yuan”, there is a mini theme park…

Look at the games and rides they offer there…

You can fish while on the ride!!

We bought our tickets and prepare to take up the challenge… Ultimate Swing!

The next challenge is this roller coaster!!

It’s such a thriller!! It is also a preparation for me so that I will be prepared to take the one in our Universal Studio Singapore…

There are also monkey, tortoise and fishes..

Here we are… taking our last few group photos…

Later on we went to Jiang Han Lu for some shopping, and to our surprise our local friends do not know the night market where we always buy stuff at really low prices… haha… I really did enjoyed myself and will never forget the time we all spent together…

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