Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 38 - 9 Apr

Day 38 - 9 Apr
I did manicure!! And I really loved the design of my nails…

This evening, we had a farewell dinner with the local students organized by the school… The restaurant looks grand and the food they serve is finally good…
Mr Ng Hoe Chuan made a thank you speech to all the staff who had contribute to our stay here…
Next is the appreciation ceremony… each of the staff is given a gift to thank them for their help…
We invited Wu Di and Zi Wei to this farewell dinner…

Had fun tonight!! The food is really nice and very presentable...:)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 42 – 13 Apr

Day 42 – 13 Apr
The day of departure Singapore… back to our home sweet home… Singapore…
Look at our luggage… I went with 1 luggage and came back with 5 in total… Lucky for me I had keep to 30kg and had to hand carry the rest of the stuff!

Checking in the luggage…

Ready to set off…

Bye Wuhan!!! See you…

Off the ground…!!

Our lunch…

Guess what! Our flight from Wuhan to Guang Zhou is delayed so we end up delaying the entire flight from GZ to Singapore… the airport staff had to quickly gather us and lead us to get our luggage in order to check in to the next flight…

Supposedly the flight was to depart at 4.35pm, and it was delayed to 4.50pm then to 5pm and in the end, we it depart at about 6pm… Lucky for us, it is a big group of Ngee Ann students and I believe we took up more than 50% of the seats…

Although it was a hectic way back… still the plane successfully take off…

And landed at 10.10pm in Singapore… Here we are home sweet home…:))

The OIP trip to Wuhan was a really good experience; we had made a lot of friends there and had so much fun together. This will be an unforgettable trip for me…

Day 41 – 12 Apr

Day 41 – 12 Apr
Since it’s the day before we go back to Singapore, let us recap our hostel and our back street where we settle most of our meal…
I really loved the meat stick…. Especially the spice they sprinkle on the meat…

This is known as “Jia Rou Bing” where they will chop and dice the meat and other fillings upon request and then put it into the bread…

Ooo… the ever famous Xiao Long Pao… Better than Ding Tai Feng!!

The “Jian Jiao” and “Jian Pao” is delicious too…

This taste like glutinous rice…

Here is where we normally buy our bubble tea from… their hot and cold bubble tea is real nice and special!!

The road we always cross to go to the back street…

Our school back gate…

Our hostel door… better be back by 11.30pm as it will be locked by the auntie:)

My nice and comfy area…

It had accompany me for 41 nights...

Day 40 – 11 Apr

Day 40 – 11 Apr
The main event of the day… China Kbox!! “Huan Le Kong Jian KTV”…

The place is big… and the setting is so cool and fun!!
On our way to the room…
Here we are… Room 826!
They have real good facilities… and the room is in great condition…
Touch screen for selection of songs!! So much better than Singapore Kbox!
Our 2 local friends singing for us… they have good voices and the last song they sang was “Jai Jian”…
Say goodbye to our supermarket… Walmart! We always do our shopping of necessities here…

I really MISS this place and the life here!!